
The Most Popular Empedocles Quotes of All Time

Most Popular Empedocles Quotes. (See the search results for ‘Quotes’ on Rankito).

Most Popular Empedocles Quotes

Empedocles, a revered Greek philosopher hailing from Sicily, holds a notable place in history. He is renowned for his profound quote, “All things are made of water and all things strive.” (Explore Books About Empedocles on Amazon).

Empedocles’ enduring quotes resonate with themes of nature and philosophy, exemplifying the depth of his intellectual prowess.

Aristotle aptly noted, “We cannot rid ourselves of an intrinsic element.” This assertion underscores the notion that human emotions are inextricable.

Empedocles’ most enduring quotes don’t solely concern his passing, but rather the moments preceding it. He delves into an aspect of human nature so potent that it compels individuals to act against their desires, enticed by elusive rewards.

His philosophy comes to life through active, concise language, fostering a deeper connection with his profound insights. As a philosopher who left an indelible mark on our understanding of existence, his words continue to illuminate the intricate interplay of life’s elements. Through his quotes, he encapsulates the eternal struggle for comprehension, challenging us to grapple with the essence of our own humanity. The philosophical echoes of Empedocles’ legacy reverberate through the ages, inviting contemplation and exploration.

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#2 “God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere.”

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#3 “Having glimpsed a small part of life, men rise up and disappear as smoke, knowing only what each one has learned.”

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#6 “None of the gods has formed the world, nor has any man, it has always been.”

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#7 “What is lawful is not binding only on some and not binding on others. Lawfulness extends everywhere, through the wide-ruling air and the boundless light of the sky.”

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#8 “For before this I was born once a boy, and a maiden, and a plant, and a bird, and a darting fish in the sea.”

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#9 “Blessed is he who has acquired a wealth of divine wisdom, but miserable he in whom there rests a dim opinion concerning the gods.”

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