Most Popular Heraclitus Quotes of All Time, (See the search results for ‘all time’ on Rankito).
Heraclitus is one of the pre-Socratic philosophers. He was a Greek philosopher and logician who lived between 550BC and 475BC. (Visit Amazon to Buy Books About Heraclitus).
One of the quotes that he is mostly famous for is that “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
This quote talks about how everything in life changes – nothing stays constant. So we should always stay aware that there are many things happening around us at any given time, and we should never assume anything to be true or false with certainty.
Heraclitus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher and one of the founders of Stoicism. He was a native of Ephesus in Ionia, who practiced as a member of the aristocratic class.
Despite his fame and importance, there are still several Heraclitus quotes which are not well-known by many people.
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